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Companions &/or NPCs smoking/drinking animations


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Hello all,


Reading through the requests and having searched the mods daily, I still haven't found a mod like this. I know I've had this type of mod for previous Bethesda games such as Oblivion, New Vegas and FO3 I believe. I haven't had time to delve into animations or even the Creation Kit for that matter, but it would be lovely to have an animation for NPCs/Companions (including modded companions) to actually smoke cigarettes, cigars, etc. I know they already will sandbox into drinking from glasses, but to have a drink of liquor or beer would also be fantastic.


There is a mod for the player to smoke and drink, it would be awesome to be able to give your settlers and companions a tobacco or alcoholic product and see them use the cigarette, cigar, blunt, throw back a shot glass of vodka, or have a beer, etc.


If anyone is interested, I'd love to see this implemented in game. Not sure how labor intensive or tricky it would be to create, but it would sure add to immersion and give a nice visual for those characters.


Thanks for considering!

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