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Unarmed magic spell


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Sounds a bit confusing I know but let me explain.


Basically 3 new destruction spells (1 for each type of damage) that when cast, cloak the casters hands in that damage type for 60 seconds e.g Flame hands cloaks them in flames. Then one can simply slug away at your foes with magically enhanced punches.


Probably Apprentice level, so 25 points of damage per punch, plus unarmed damage (includes Fist of Steel bonus and Fortify Unarmed)


In terms of effects I was thinking:

Flame hands - Set foes on fire on contact, targets on fire take extra damage

Ice hands - Extra 10 points of damage

Lightning hands - Either 15% chance to paralyse OR increases attack speed by 30% (like Elemental Fury)


I'll be honest the idea came to me from playing Bioshock again the other day, so my thoughts on the design aspect has been heavily influenced by that game, especially the way Winter Blast was shown. So basically, Ice hands similar to Winter Blast, and Flame and Lightning hands similar to the Bioshock 2 version of Electro Bolt

Edited by alureon137
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