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REQUEST: Armor of The Hero of Light and Goddess Blade, Pretty Please?


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Hello, Fellow Modders. It is I, EmperorGorath, And I would like a request for you if you don't mind.

Although I really like the wide selection of all manner of weapons and armor mods, I was curious if any of you fellows can make this mod.






The Armor and Sword of "The Hero of Light"


This may not be lore-friendly, But it does possess a heraldic and chivalric look, Not to mention

extraordinarily powerful for the end of the game, And I know where to put them! Case in point, (SPOILERS AHEAD...) Sky Haven Temple

when you manage to help Delphine and his friend, Esbern reach a safe place from The Thalmor.

Or they might be placed separately, Hidden in the deep corners of Skyrim.


As the details say in the pic above, This armor is massively powerful, And quite handy for THE FINAL BATTLE!


Now for the Armor Rating and Attack Power;

The Helmet : 175

The Cuirass : 250

The Gauntlets : 150

The Boots : 150

The Shield : 175

And the Sword of Legend, The Goddess Blade!

It has the attack power of 250, Plus the enchantment

of having each elemental damage (Fire, Frost, Shock, and Poison)

Deal up to 250 points each, That makes it 1000 altogether along with

it's attack power makes it 1250 damage you can deal! (Pretty Grand, Eh?)


Anyhow, That's my request. I know this may take some time for this to be made, But I'm a patient man and I always believe

that good things come to those who wait. If you can get this done, I'd be greatly appreciative!



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