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MY skyrim is FUBAR.


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This all started after getting all the mods I wanted installed, giving it a test run for a bit, then saving and falling asleep. when I woke up i got on skyrim and voila the save would not start. It prompted me with the classic "this save contains content that no longer exist" and it did not list anything. I tried a save from way back and nothing. I posted here, and got helpful suggestions, but nothing that fixed. I bit the bullet and started a new game... Except I didn't. because everytime I tried the menu just dissapeared, and all that was left was the logo, music, the cursor, and my anger. I disabled mods five by five, LOOT'd over and over again, to no avail. Finally no mods were there. I decided to find every peice of mod I could find and delete it, and ended up just slecting every single thing in my skyrim folder, deleting it, then reinstalling skyrim on steam. As well as refreshing the INIs. I launch skyrim up, click new game.. and.. nothing. WTH. SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE?!?!

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