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Accessories in Outfit Studio (Help)


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This isnt much of a troubleshooting or issue, just a question if anyone else has noticed this and knows how to fix it. Using AWKCR and misc. accessories like the survival backpacks or holsters, ive noticed that some outfits tend to make the accessories become huge and float way out around your character, when i load these items into the outfit studio onto an outfit where this problem is, it appears normally like it should but after exporting the nif file and re loading the game it still has the issue, and all the adjustments made will show on outfits that dont have this problem. I.E. using a survival duffel bag with the JC Shirt and Jeans mod fits good, but when using say, Wasteland Fashion clothing, the strap on the duffel bag is expanded outwards a lot and it looks sorta goofy. If there is a certain setting attached to these specific clothes that causes this or if anyone knows a fix for this sorta thing I would appreciate some guidance :laugh:

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It has to do with the way Bugthesda implemented armor morphing. FO4 uses a special file to "approximate" how much an accessory item such as a gunbelt or bandolier should morph in response to how the under armor/body morphs. As a result, some accessories will 'puff out" from the body/under armor in certain situations. I'm not sure what the fix is though, you'd need someone with more experience with actual mesh creation than me I'm afraid.

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