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Fallout 4 Nif File not visible as Settlement Menu Icon

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I am using NifSkope 2.0 Alpha 6

For Fallout 4 I used the Archive2.exe to extract a nif file named AdvertsPoster06.nif. It has a texture on one side and I know nothing about the meshes, textures and nif properties. However, I found a video to copy the branch. Once I copied the branch I went to transform -> Edit and rotated the duplicate BSTriShape by changing the R in Rotation. I used this with an Art Object and it shows up just fine as an Icon for the settlement menu. So I thought I'd just do the same thing for another file.

This time I chose SignFrameMetalRectPoster01.nif. Duplicated the BSTriShape branch, rotated it, saved it and assigned it to an ARTO record. Once in game nothing shows up. I compared the two and noticed that AdvertsPoster06.nif had a NiAlphaProperty. I copied that node and pasted it under BSProperties in SignFrameMetalRectPoster01.nif so it would be attached as a child of the BSTriShape. Loaded up the game and still nothing. With the default vanilla Material it shows up normally in the CK, even with my own material swap MSWP, and even changing the BGSM in the nif itself works in Nifskope.

The two files are found in Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2. Would anyone be willing to extract the two files and compare them? What do I need to do so the nif file works as an ARTO for the settlement menu without changing the textures or the BGSM file.

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I didn't realize this was posted here as well. Frogprincess_Q4 pointed to your thread on the nifskope forum in the Sim Settlements builders discord asking if anyone knew the answer. MsRae happened to know the answer and I think she was going to PM you with it, but just in case (and for people googling this in the future)...Rae's reply: "The build menu won't show any textures with "decal" or "decal no fade" tagged in the BGSM. So if you have randomly invisible art objects, or bits thereof, it's because of that."

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We were having issues with several items because of this in Creative Clutter, so MsRae just dug in and compared every little thing she could find side by side, testing everything until she figured it out. She's very determined that way. :D

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