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Why are the female followers looking like... derp?


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Hello people, i recently started to play with more than 10 simultaneous mods. I used the LOOT load order. Everything works fine, just some very rare crashes, like 1 per 10 hours. But,..

All the female faces look like something's wrong with them. The neck seams are also very visible, like dark skin body and fair skinned head, wut?

I have tested this with many followers, sophia, recorder, falskaar resident females, random npc's etc.

I knew at first that Sophia's face deformed when i installed 'Dolls: Girls only', a children mod. I have removed it since but Sophia is still bugged and so is Recorder, which i installed after removing that child mod, what's happening?

Can you help me? I'm attaching an image of my load order and the issue. Please don't say reinstall skyrim and start from scratch. There should be some other way.


And please, this is my first post, if i have made a mistake/broken some rule, please forgive me.

Thanks :)

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