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Papyrus SwitchToPowerArmor


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Can somebody explain to me, how to correctly use this function?



; Snap the dude into awesome armor

I tried it with this little script, but I get the error "type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a furniture to a objectreference".

Scriptname VR_Chair extends ObjectReference Const

Furniture Property VR_Furniture Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

The wiki even states "aArmorFurniture: The inactive armor furniture to snap this actor into."

Edited by Crosstieger
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It's a obscript call, switched to Papyrus, same thing kind of. It could be the tutorial is using generic names to illustrate. So like it's a call on a NPC, to use a command for their ai package whatever it is, to override that, then the reference.


Form ID is the base form, puts it into the game.

Reference ID is the placed item in the game world.


Old GECK s***, rather than going with ID, custom names are put on Reference ID's so that developers can call out a word on that particular item. So like to do that, you would place the item in the world, here it being a power armor frame (I'm guessing) that was full of god damned parts! Who thought of that genius idea? LOL The editor you would double click it I guess to bring up the Reference form, an name the s*** in there, you could do it other ways though.


It says awesomearmor right, which is a f***ing rediculous reference id name to be used for anything worth a s***. So like it's generalized. So you can keep up with it an remember it, relating to you or what you are doing in a personal way, so you can call upon that particular reference easy. For Example MAMMAMURPHYPOWERARMOR

Scriptname VR_Chair extends ObjectReference Const

Furniture Property VR_Furniture Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Why the f*#@ are you forcing the player to switch to power armor? Is that like a god damned operation anchorage simulation chair? You know, what I don't really care. You shouldn't force the player to do s#*!. We're not in control of i them. They're humans, if they want to do something, then let them do it or suggest it to them in a organically human way, short of getting some robot to do it for you in the robot way.




Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef)


Looks generic and Obscript as f*#@. Is it meant to set up the actual command, by the encoding into binary computer talk, old obscript commands, and newer additions to that as a functional way to update a old system, use what is already built, translate the s#*! to binary?


I know some of this horseshit. But not enough to gather an understanding yet. So you'll have to forgive me. I got software problems currently I'm digging out of. It almost looks like small parts of Obscript with recent additions of papyrus, or new script.


Tell you what, there is almost certainly better places to ask than here. This is mostly just trolls an people that want to fix a particular issue. Not so much about creating new stuff. At the bottom of the FO4 forums is a board for the CS/CK/GECK probably a better place, but don't forget the official forums at Bethesda Forums & Bethesda.net Lot of people in the world, and like most, we don't particularly end up working at Nexus forums as our first choice. Just a thought.

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I was just trying to be myself. Most people are more or less sensitive as balls to it. You're all going Moo Moo, Meow Meow, then I come in and try to Moo or Meow, then you just grow huge demon teeth and start growling, and trying to bite me. Thanks for not answering my questions. You know, and the whole chastising thing. I always did want some parents around to remind me what I was constantly doing wrong. f*#@ it, next page of the news paper. Best of luck Sir/Mam/Mrx.

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