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Serana wont "Come with me" after finishing the Awakening Quest


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The title says it all. After releasing Serana from the sarcophagus and going through the dialogue, I ask her to "Come with me," and she promptly responds with something like "Whenever you're ready" but doesnt actually follow me. Now yes, I do have mods installed, however Ive already tried uninstalling those that I think might effect an NPC/Follower besides physical appearance mods. Ive also tried console commands, and whereas those have allowed for me to get Serana to follow, the command to activate Bloodline doesn't work. Ive also tried uninstalling and re-installing Dawnguard, and just last night Skyrim in its entirety. I even started back up from a save before I initiated the Dawnguard questline. At this point Im rather desperate and I think I've tried about everything. If anyone has any possible solution to this problem please let me know ASAP. Thanks.

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  • 1 year later...

FYI I could not get awakening to start. Reloaded Dawnguard.esm, cleaned it with Tes5edit and it started.

Bloodline: Serana would not follow

Made a batch file that will get her to follow.

Do this with notepad. Save as seranafollow or similar. (Copy these lines and insert into seranafollow.)

sqv DLC1NPCMentalModel
setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel CanFollow_var True
setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel IsFollowing_var True
setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel IsWaiting_var True
setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel TurnOffComeWithMe_var False
setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel LockedIn_var False
Put seranafollow.txt into Skyrim folder, not Data.
BTW sqv DLC1NPCMentalModel lists all the scripts. FYI
Select Serana in console and type in "bat seranafollow" (without quotes)
This should work. Hope this helps.
Still have issue at Castle, working on that.
Edited by briarheart22
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