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NPCs not speaking


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Hello all,


Today I uninstalled my Skyrim, erased the entire folder in steamapps/common and erased the ini/saves folder in my documents. Then I reinstalled Skyrim from scratch. To get a vanilla install.


I had previously modded Skyrim extensively and broke it that way. I had also installed enderal and played it some.


Now when I start a character in vanilla Skyrim the NPCs do to speak at all, there are no subtitles, and when the cart pulling you at the beginning gets to where you would get off the cart it just stops and you never get off.


I've gone through the uninstall, erase everything, reinstall to get vanilla Skyrim three times now. I turned off the cloud for my saved games just in case. I've triple checked my new .ini. file and everything is there. I have no idea what else to try. I've read that enderal will f*#@ up your Skyrim when you uninstall it. But I've completely erased the entire Skyrim directory i inside steam/steamapps/common and /my documents/my games three times and installed it three times from scratch. What could be going on?


Does anyone know if there is some registry entry inside windows that enderal changes and doesn't change back with an uninstall? Does anyone have any recommendations at all?



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Ok I tried the following based off of random suggestions I've found through Google;


Reinstalled and uninstalled Enderal using the approved methods from their forum. Didn't change anything. And I unpacked the two voice.bsa's and copied the individual files into the data folder. No change.


The only thing I can think of is that Enderal broke a setting in Windows 10, possibly some registry key, and outside of a clean windows install my Skyrim is permanent broken. I've posted over to the Enderal team and I'll see if they ever get back to me. If anyone does have any ideas outside of a clean windows install, which I'm not going to do over this, though will do in a few months when I upgrade, I'd love to hear it.

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I was able to solve my issue. My GF has an account on my PC and she played through Enderal as well. I did not ever remove her .ini file from her my documents folder. I was not aware that somehow that would cause this issue on my account. I erased her .ini file, started Skyrim, and found that skyrim created an empty .Ini file. I erased it a second time, started Skyrim, and voila. My issue has been solved.
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