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Why aren't statues for player use in homes (or wherever) a thing?


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i have searched and looked for weeks now. Here's what I can't find anywhere: versions of the common statues (Azura, Talos, Meridia, etc) that I can interact with in any way.


I found 1 single mod called 'Skyrim's Unique Treasures' * That actually had exactly what I want....but only for three of the statue group I am alluding to (this modder featured several very ugly dragon and jade figurine models in addition to three perfectly awesome ones...I'm not ungrateful, it's just....yeah, I'm kind of ungrateful).


Why can't I find these damned things?

* below is a link to the mod mentioned above. Below that, is a copy of the message I sent this modder as a playful complaint.




point made; enjoy an even more unjustifiably annoyed tone below.



How, how, howwwww can I get more of the common statues found around Skyrim? I just need them in miniature form (intractable form is what i really mean; the size is irrelevant).

If you know how to control the scale of objects, these are highly desirable and useful items for creating any manner of scene - I used the mini Clavicus, Nocturnal, and Falmer sculptures from this mod to make a room full of proper-looking works of art (raised their scale to a little bigger than my own Yeti of a character).

Do not enough people know about the mod(s) giving you pinpoint control over all item manipulation? *
That would at least explain a lack of motivation to provide a greatly obvious and fun thing like size-controllable and fully place-able statues. I am psyched that this mod actually has some of what I am looking for, though it seems....decidedly incomplete. Why/how were only 3 included (there were other sort of silly ones for blowing up, but i'm talking about the main recurring statues throughout the hold) and why not others? I just can't believe I haven't found some version of what I'm describing here.

I am either overlooking a very unhelpfully titled mod, or nobody has done this. I will never complain about a lack of free effort benefiting my wants, but c'mon.....we know what kind of mods get made for kicks. This feels like a lot of people have overlooked a highly pragmatic modjob. Somebody up and explain it to me.


above is a link to the supreme overlord of grasp and manipulation mods (when you used to hold E to trigger that game? you know, struggle-with-a-sadistically-weighted-object-like-a-profoundly-incompetent-cloud-person? ** ...I've played a lot.). Never again waste time on Bethesda's mean joke they played by leaving the 'grasp' function as-was in ES 5.

I don't mean mentally overcast or some other analogy; I mean like a person whose actual anatomy (and therefore ability to perform physical actions) relies on the accumulation of water vapor. It is clear in my head that the cloud people would face life's challenges with courage and great forbearance, though never with consistent particle mass, or anything that might resemble efficiency.

Edited by axanima
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