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I thought I'd through this idea out there before I hit the hay. Ill keep it short until this topic gets some attention. Once the creation kit is out, I'm thinking about working on revising the combat interactivity between the player/NPC and NPC/NPC combat.

When I say that, I'm thinking about:


1. A broader variety of finishers: If I can get my head chewed on by a dragon and lopped off by an angry orc, just imagine what terrors a sabertooth, frostbite spider or even a pissed off horker could pull?


2. (Lest someone beat me to it) Localized damage multipliers.


3. Localized finishers: Different finishers from different angles/distances.


4. Melee bow finishers: Self-explanatory


5. A mauling/brawling system: It happens in fist-fights (one guy beating the crap out of another on the ground) as well in most big animal attacks in real life, why not in skyrim?


6. Making staves melee weapons as well as ranged


7. Combat Mounting: Jumping onto big enemies (dragons, bears, mammoths..etc) and perform extreme bloodletting from your position


8. And finally, Cinematic Reversals: Insta-kills just seem too concrete. Im thinking about a method (possbily random button sequence) to, as stated, to create cinematic reversal kills



This will be my first mod for Skyrim and I could really use help/feedback/advice. I am open to suggestions and something I've posted has been/ is already being done let me know. I am also looking for those who would be willing to help with the making of this mod. Thank you and good morning. :armscrossed: :armscrossed: :armscrossed: :facepalm: zzzzzzzzz..........

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I would prefer less intrusive combat animations. Stop changing between third/first person. Never use slow mo. Remove all the animations that are long or at least don't let the player use them. Nothing pisses me of more than being "rewarded" with awefull animations for killing a dragon or any other creature .



I don't dissagree with you that there should be more. I agree with all that you have said. I just think that they should be less in the way of gameplay

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I'm fine with the current animations. I'd just like to see the finishers extended to creatures other then Dragons.


Thats what Deadly Reflex: Skyrim edition is for I guess.


I have a few ideas on the finishers the creatures and enemies can do to you.


Dragon Priest


- The priest raises you off the ground, with his bony hand wrapped around your neck, his unholy strength locks you in place. He whispers a single line, and his hand glows, you shake violently, before being vaporized, and your soul added to his.


Sabre Cat.


-The beast roars in triumph and pounces, pinning you on the ground. With a snarl it tears into your neck, decapitating you.




-The angry walrus charges you, managing to impale you on both of its tusks.




- Your head is bitten off. The end.




- Your faithful steed knocks you to the ground, and stomps on your balls. Removing your ability to use your gift.




The little beast, with a mean streak a mile wide, lunges at your throat, ripping out the jugular, killing you slowly and painfully.

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I'm fine with the current animations. I'd just like to see the finishers extended to creatures other then Dragons.


Thats what Deadly Reflex: Skyrim edition is for I guess.


I have a few ideas on the finishers the creatures and enemies can do to you.


Dragon Priest


- The priest raises you off the ground, with his bony hand wrapped around your neck, his unholy strength locks you in place. He whispers a single line, and his hand glows, you shake violently, before being vaporized, and your soul added to his.


Sabre Cat.


-The beast roars in triumph and pounces, pinning you on the ground. With a snarl it tears into your neck, decapitating you.




-The angry walrus charges you, managing to impale you on both of its tusks.




- Your head is bitten off. The end.




- Your faithful steed knocks you to the ground, and stomps on your balls. Removing your ability to use your gift.




The little beast, with a mean streak a mile wide, lunges at your throat, ripping out the jugular, killing you slowly and painfully.


I like your ideas (especially the Monty Python reference; might add that as an Easter egg). I think a couple would end differently however.


Horker: It knocks you to the ground an stabs you repeatedly with its tusks and uses all three tusks to crush your head in.


Bear: During you being mauled, a vicious right hook from its paws audibly breaks your neck.


Horse: You either receive a full force kick to the chest (happens in real life) or it rears up and stomps on your face.


Dragon Priest: Wouldn't. Change. A. Thing. That was brilliant.

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Alternate dragon priest (not replacing his idea, but going along with it)


The player, infront of the dragon priest, powerlessly falls to his or her knees. The dragon priests hand stretches out and then down until the tips of his fingers the person's forhead. He then uses fire magic to incinerate the players face.



But i think that what's more important than kill animations is death animations. Rather than interupt your gameplay you simply see enemies die more cinimaticaly



Ok... Magic time


Fire - the body stays on fire and dances in pain, arms flailing like a lunatic. If Blasted by an adept level spell then they can flail around whilst flying through the air.

Shock- Similar, but with Sharp vibrations

Ice- the body's animations slow down until they stop.




The person grabs their wound (havoc animation could probably search for the wound) and bleeds to death whilst inccapacitated (although the game should register them as dead) the animation stops after receiving more damage

Draugr loose all their strengh although show no pain. They might reach out with their arm as they fall to the floor slowly.

Enemies might try to crawl away a few feet before succumbing to their wounds



You get the idea

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