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Riven (LoL) Companion


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I've looked around a lot and not found this, kind surprised there isn't one. Sadly I have ZERO modding skills. I would love to have A Riven Companion, to complement my Yasuo Character look alike. Just seems fitting to me. Ive found her weapon, but no clothes or even a look alike companion.


What I request is either just a plain companion/follower Riven (She DOESNT have to have the armor, I suck at making female faces in skyrim.... so I would even just take a well modeled companion look alike if nothing else would be fine for me) with the voice files from LoL so she sounds like her self. Its a tiny request. She is my favorite champion in LoL, and would like to have her join in my adventures in skyrim. Thanks to anyone that can do this <3


Some pictures for reference.


Edited by AzurFenix45
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i'm interested in creating her but i'm not sure if taking voice files from lol is allowed?


Shouldn't be an issue. Ive seen other moders use Ahri's Korean VO in a mod, and even further...people use them in porn games. I didn't think its an issue so long you give credit.


I mean it doesn't have to, just thought it would be kinda cool.

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