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FrankenENB Suggestions.


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Hi, guys. I use Rudy ENB for NLVA and love it - but I keep seeing bits of other ENBs I like better; never a whole ENB, but little things. So, not really knowing much about setting up presets, I've been using Rudy as a base and just importing those bits of other ENBs into it. Currently I'm using sharpening as per Rampage, night skies from Aeon ENB for NLVA, the HQ DOF from OrganicENB and I've tweaked the saturation upwards a little bit. Also using volumetric lighting intensity settings from Elder Blood to try and get visible godrays through clouds. What I'm really looking for is suggestions on an easily configurable DOF for screenarchery I could drop into my ENBSeries folder and perhaps some suggestions on what settings I'd tweak and where I'd find them to produce a warmer palette of colours comparable with Rampage or Elder Blood. And suggestions generally, really - I'm making this up as I go along.

Many thanks in advance to anyone who offers suggestions.

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