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Stange sound freeze (PC)


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Hello all,

I have recently been experiencing freezeups in Skyrim. Periodically, some sounds will stop playing. I may be able to hear background movements, my characters footsteps, and an occasional ringing sword, but all else will be silent. A little while later all of the sounds which should have played previously suddenly play all at once. If I enter combat while things are silent, the game will often freeze for 30 seconds or so and then suddenly carry out whatever keystrokes I have entered while it was frozen (i usually hit tab to pause when the game freezes). This is a new development: I got Skyrim the day it released and have had no problems until this week. I have watched the task manager while playing, and my system never comes close to being maxed out at any time and this freeze happens regardless of video settings. Any advice would be appreciated.


My PC specs


Motherboard: ASUS P6T

Processor: i7 2.93 GHz

RAM: 6 Gigs ddr3

Video: nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+ x2

OS: Windows Vista :( 64bit


I don't remember what model my hard drive is. I will edit when I am at my PC.


What I have tried so far


Changing my audio quality setting

update nvidia drivers

windowed mode

disable SLI

chkdsk (no problems found)



Edited by orrosta
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Update: Another problem which may or may not be related. Occasionally spells, flames, and spiderwebs fail to be rendered on screen. Windowed mode seems to help a little, but I would rather not have to play in windowed mode.


Has anyone else had these problems? Were you able to solve them?

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