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Hey guys, i was wondering if theres a way so that all Legion soldiers wear heavy armor instead of light? I honestly think that the Legion shouldn't even be wearing light armor(besides archers). The legion is supposed to be the strongest force in all of tamriel, sure theyre not as strong as they used to be, but a heavy armored legion sounds more realistic than a light armored one. So i was wondering if theres a mod out there like that or if anyone could please create one :). Thank you all in advance
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Legion Overhaul 2.5



I have been using this mod for quite sometime and it has a good balance of some light armor legionnaires as scouts and the bulk in heavier armor. As well as fur cloaks and such for the cold setting. It's a pretty cool mod if you like the legion. I highly recommend it.


P.S. if for some reason the link doesn't work just use search with keyword legion and look for this title Imperial Legion Overhaul V25 6th one on the list.


Hope this helps.

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