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Cam flying over Cyrodiil & Integration with creation kit?


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Hey guys, I managed to jockey myself into position to fly my cam over the mountains for the heck of it. I haven't seen it - someone probably has, but I wanted to mention it - I didn't just find land, I found a very low LOD Imperial City. It had what was obviously Lake Rumare and the only feature of the city was the giant tower. It was just like 6 white polygons very high into the sky and I couldn't approach too close because it was at the extreme limits of the cam flying which means things start to disappear. And I didn't know how to take screenshots back then.


So I've basically confirmed (for myself) that at least the rough terrain of Cyrodiil is definitely there. So I wonder: the game itself probably doesn't contain a very high LOD version - perhaps just a rough heightmap? With that in mind, how likely do you think it is that Skyrim can be expanded to include Cyrodiil, given that the base map even has things like city markers and such?


I'm not a modder but I'd be very interested in getting into it to do a Cyrodiil + (potentially) Morrowind add-on, even if it was only very basic to start with.


How re-useable are the art assets between games?



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This was actually found and confirmed about a week after skyrims release. There is a big gate that if you go to it, and turn off clipping it will lead you straight to the city/tower. Morowind is there too.


Here is a link to the original discovery (if you're interested):



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How re-useable are the art assets between games?

They aren't, I believe Bethesda have stated that we can't port assets from the games and release it as a mod. You may have both games, but those who download don't necessarily have both too so it would be copyright infringement. There was a mod when Oblivion came out that allowed users to port Morrowind assets into the game and Bethesda requested it be taken down immediately. There is more information here. On the other hand, I seem to recall there was a team who were making the attempt, but I can't remember what they were calling it. They have to recreate the assets themselves though.

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