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SkyUI Quest Item bug!!


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Hey guys, I'm from germany, so sorry for the bad english :D


I've downloaded the mod "SkyUI"...

I didn't had the skse or whatever, so i got problems with the inventory (couldn't do anything in a chest, or give smth to my companion) so i installed the skse.

that didn't work, because of the wrong gameversion. So I patched the game to the right version.

After doing this, the mod worked perfectly...well, thought so-.-

After a while I noticed, that there were some problems with the quest items.

In the last thief quest, where I had to kill mercer and loot the key and the two eyes. but there only was the right Eye. Not the left, and not the key

I didn't know that there are 2 eyes, so i just thought it was a bug with the key.

Well, I used the console to get the key and end the quest.


The next quest was the jagged crown.

I killed the deathlord like...100 times, and never got the crown, so i had to "cheat" again

In this quest you had to use the claw for the door.

I picked up the claw from the dead body, and it added the claw, but i couldn't find it in the inventory.

So i had to try the puzzle by myself.

After completing the quest with the console, the claw wasn't a quest item anymore (it gets back to a normal item) and THEN i found it in the inventory.


so i looked up a while, and i think NONE of my quest items are in the inventory. Well, they ARE there, but i can't find them. neither scrolling through nor search it with a keyword.


I don't know if the bug comes with the skyUI mod, or not...

But now i have a problem, i can't solve with the console.

I want to go on with the mainquest.

I'm at the part where i have to read the Elder Scroll at the top of the mountain.

Again, i couldn't find the scroll in the inventory.

I used the command "coc qasmoke" and took the scroll out of the chest...

then i went back to the mountain and tried to read it.

As i know, there should start a video or smth like that where i can see the fight with alduin.

But when i try to read the scroll, it actually opens, but shows nothing.

the hud with the A D buttons to switch the pages are shown, but the scroll is "invisible". and no video starts.

by the fact, that i can find that scroll in the inventory, and that it doesn't do anything when i read it, i think its a scroll that is not meant to be a quest item.

hasn't the function as a quest item...dont know how to say it :D


Ok, that's my problem.

I Know i could just use the console to end the quest directly, but i REALLY want to see the fight with alduin.

Does anyone of you know the bug with this mod? Could the bug come with the mod, or could it caused by anything else?

any solutions? :s


sorry for the bad english, again :DD

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Are you running any mods that alter worldspaces at all? Darker Dungeons is a common one for this particular issue. Skyrim has an issue where loading a plugin that alters a worldspace that contains quest related objects (or even NPCs sometimes), but doesn't include a copied reference of that particular object, causes said object (or NPC) to not appear. A good example of this is any mod that alters BreezeHome, but doesn't include a copied reference to Lydia, will cause Lydia to not appear. I've discussed this a handful of times with other posters on here so if you're interested in more details you may want to try the search function.
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I thought I installed the re-defined dungeon mod, but couldn't find the files...

i just tried to delete the patch, but the files are everywhere in the folder, so i'll keep you up to date, when the reinstalling is finished.


So, you say the bug could be caused by a worldspace?

Can i use a mod, that just changes the inventory, then? I really dont know, what every mod changes^^

all i want in skyrim is a better inventory, and MAYBE the mod, that allows me to use better settings (from mid to high)

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SkyUI and the Favorites menu mods should be fine. Also, the newest patch is much more optimized than SkyBoost on an older patch.
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