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Combinations of Mods


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Hey guys! I just got a new computer for gaming, so I can now support a lot of mods. Last time I tried, I never managed to get the game working; one or more of the mods would cause the game to crash not long after loading.


I was wondering, what combination of mods would make for the BEST, most beautiful, most fun game, in your opinions? What are the best mods for environment, battle, water, sky, lighting, etc.? Things like that. And what mods CANNOT be combined? Such as... if I like two graphics mods that change the same things, can I put the files that don't appear in one mod into the other? Or do they need to always be FULLY installed? That could have been my problem before. I was never able to decide what I liked best, so, at times, I would download two that did the same thing.


Thanks for the help!

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Hmm.... just use NMM(there's a download on the website at the front page, finally....) And it will allow you to switch between them at will. As far as the best mods, just look around, and if something strikes your fancy, DL it. Most mods are relatively simple. For some mods, you will need SKSE or ScriptDragon. Just google those, they're not hard to find.


As for the ones that can't be combined, those are only retextures. Don't download two mods that say "Nightingale Armor Retexture" or whatnot. They will be replacing the same texture file.

Edited by RbtRvltin
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Skyrim Total Enhancement Project (STEP) is a good one if you're willing to wait for a bit. The creator is currently waiting for the CK to finalise his guide.


As to mods, if two mods change the same things then one has to override the other. Considering graphical enhancements are usually just texture packs then you can remove files or use just one or two of the files. If the overlap is not 100% then you can install the better one (in your opinion) and that will overwrite the previous one where they overlap. A mod's load order is important, if two mods conflict the one that is loaded last will overwrite the other. There are tools such as Wrye Mash that allow you modify load order and merge mods so both take effect, and if you plan to have loads of mods then BOSS is a must as it automatically sorts your load order for minimum conflicts. Hope this helps.

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