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A mod that has gear beyond Daedric?


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I'm currently playing the game semi-vanilla. I am not really satisfied that Daedric is as far as you can go? Is there a mod to get better gear than daedric? I want to feel like I earned it though. So for me to get it, it would need to be harder to obtain that Daedric? I want to get godly as possible but at the same time, I want to earn it! Any ideas?

Edited by Kirinou
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That's a matter of opinion depends on your play through... I have did a play through where I did no crafting at a smithy just used armor I found, bought and/or loot on dead bodies. The chance of finding daedric armor by chance is slim at best and you have to be a high level above 50 I believe to even see it.

There is no rule where you have to be great at everything ...That play through was hard as I did not even temper the armor as I was not a smithy so it was plain... So when I finally got a real good piece of armor it felt like I really earned it was level 30 and did Boethiah's Calling Of course the reward is the ebony mail. I assure you if you do no crafting or tempering every piece of good armor you find is cherished :)

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