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Ultimate NPC Overhaul 2 Grey face...


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Well, here's just a common issue with the annoying face color separation from body, or more like "grey face".

Many threads on internet try to help with this one...with a lot of different answers. But after two days of testing many of them, I decided to open another one discussion.

Before anything else, note that a use Mod Organizer to load my mods and game.

During all of my tests, despite my constant failure, I was able to determinate that Ultimate NPC Overhaul 2 seems to be the source of my issue. Without it (unchecked in my list of mod) all NPC have a normal face... an ugly one but normal. With the mod, activated, many of the NPC have their face changed (such as the mod has to work) but few of them are experienced the infamous Grey Face bug (like Lydia for example), maybe because the mod don't apply correctly on them (it's what I think but I don't know how to prove it / to fix it).


I have already exhausted quite a lot of solution but I hope you could advise me on some other I didn't think about.

For purpose, I already have TES5EDIT, Loot, Wrye Bash and CreationKit installed.


Just waiting a kind soul to arrange this horror...

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Move the mod to the bottom of your load order and see if the issue goes away. If so, another mod is overwriting the changes that mod is attempting to make - use TES5Edit to load your full load order and search for conflicts. If it doesn't solve the problem, try reinstalling the mod as the bsa or loose files for the facegen may not have been installed correctly or been corrupted in some way.

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