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Am I the only one that does this? Serial Killer


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It just always bothered me, here I am Mr. fire and death killing everything in my path. After I am through with the carnage and looking around at the pretty scorch marks and charred husks (no I am definitely not like this in real life!) I see 1 gosh darn kid walking towards me telling me that since I am new in town he will not pull any pranks on me or some other nonsense. The way I see it is if I am an all powerful magi, warrior, or whatever; I should have to watch out where I am hurling my fireballs or whatnot.


That and if you think about it, you just killed everyone they ever knew. Then on top of that you pillaged anything of worth...THEN!!! you go on your merry way nary a stray thought to the child you left behind. (yes I know it is a video game, but come on its all about immersion.)

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