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SWBF2 Hero Assault - A game with the competitive potential of Smash Melee


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Many of you will have played Star Wars Battlefront II (the 2006 game) avidly in your childhoods, the game was amazing and is something of a classic. But one aspect of the game that seems to have gone relatively under-the-radar was the Hero Assault gamemode playable on the Mos Eisley map.


Now, SWBF2 can still be played online through Gameranger and there is a fairly good community that still plays it, but that is currently trying to expand, specifically we'd love for more players getting into Hero Assault, as this mode has huge competitive potential.


Its pretty hard to give you a good idea of this potential as the mode isn't quite comparable to any other genres, I can only point you to some of the competitive hero assault videos on youtube, and say that the potential of this gamemode is - I believe - similar to the revival that Smash Melee experienced. Due in no small part to lazy devs, hero assault has an intricate series of mechanics and strategies that play out to create a very competitive and enjoyable gamemode. It'd be awesome to get people more involved in this, the mode has massive depth and if you're a competitive person whos willing to experience a massive learning curve you can easily get hooked, needless to say the best Hero Assault player has around 15,000 hours in the game.


So anyone interested feel free to join our community discord, someone there will answer any questions you might have:




(For fair warning, this discord like most other gaming communities can get pretty edgy, there's a no porn rule though)


If you wanna check out the game you buy it on Steam, its on sale fairly often, and to play online you simply download and install Gameranger from here:




There's a guide if you need one here:




And to give you a taste of some epic Hero Assault gameplay:




(Vid is about 4 mins long but I skipped the first half and into for some of the good bits)


Thanks and hope to hear from some of ya soon, it'd be awesome to revive this great game.

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