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Working on Mod to Fix Mass Effect: Andromeda's Writing


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  On 5/20/2017 at 10:18 AM, cossayos said:


  On 5/18/2017 at 7:58 AM, dahaka92 said:

Definitely need to edit that dialog during the post-Eos crew discussion.


Since this is a cutscene, I'd cut it at before all the "didn't get killed stuff". Don't know if something like that is even possible, though. As it is, the skip button has become my dearest friend in situations like this.


I cringe at this scene every time. I knew it was coming so yeah, i just skipped it too.


Same with this """"hilarious""""" scene from the Suvi romance, should've been left at the cutting room floor:

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I'm stil research the MEAExplorerMV, I'm trying export meshes (defalt fem_ryder and Cora heads) and edit (I hope that soon I will stop being a noob.)

There's some place that lives the dialogue system and conversations audio,

Dialogs can be replaced with new ones edited with voice synthetizers

and meshes animations

It's possible that I think too big but a new conversation system with programing/scripting

and add action/dialog that resembles renagade dialog

If someone work whit the synthetizers (or I, who knows?) proplaby have to ramake all dialog

Edited by DanBard
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Another one: During Liam's loyalty mission, Vetra says "Thirded", as in I agree.


Why cant they talk like normal people! Oh right because they have to be hip with the kids, use internet lingo.

Edited by dahaka92
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