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No Fullscreen or Save Folder


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Having problems with Skyrim not opening up in full screen or having a saved game folder after install. I intially was playing this on XP and had no proplems at all. Upgraded my pc and installed win 7 on it. Computer works great with other games running just fine except for Skyrim. When I hit play the game opens up in a small screen on the top left corner of the monitor. Was hoping there is someone that has had this problems it might know a fix for this.
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As for your save folders they are not stored in your skyrim folder under the program files or program files(x86) (whatever you may have) they are instead stored here C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves

Open up your windows menu, click documents, when it opens search for the folder title My Games or Games, click that and if you have any saved files they should be in the skyrim folder.


As for your fullscreen problem, when you launch the game it should open a launcher. (The menu where you are able to start the game, and adjust other settings) Click on Option, and it should open up a small window. Down near the bottom there should be a box that says "windowed mode" make sure that this is not checked. Click ok, and that window will close. Click play at the of the launch menu, and it should launch fine. If not post back in this thread with exactly what happened, and I will see if I have another solution.

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After intalling the game, I have check during each install that I have done, and there is no documents/my games/skyrim/save folder. I've already installed this games 5 times now and have selected a different location on the hard drive to see if that would make a difference. I just recently spoke with a customer service from Berthesda now twice and all they can do is just escalate the call and wait for a response from them. As for the fullscrenn problem, I have tried to make changes to the Skrimprefs.ini file in My Games folder to see if that would make a difference and its still the same. I have look on the internet about this problem and see people have had this issue back in November of 2011. Mentioned about certain areas of the .ini file that would help to get full screen. The window mode check is always left unchecked when trying to play this game. I initially installed this on this computer when it had xp pro and had no problems at all. Always opened in fullscreen and had a saved game folder. I have another computer that still runs on xp and just recently installed it there and had no problems playing the game on that computer. I even copied the .ini file off the xp system and put it on the win 7 and still would not work. This computer I upgraded was the motherboard, cpu and ram that was upgraded and I kept the other components on this build and installed win 7 on it. The last tech I talked to said he installed it on a second drive where the os is not installed and that is the next option to go with I guess. But I have a feeling its going to produce the same results.
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