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water glitch...driving me nuts


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so many times when I am near water but not even in it, thescreen pops with the filmy cover for water that happens when you areUNDER water. the sound changes, and you drop out of sneak/loseweapon. the game thinks I am under water...but I ain't. then a half second later it realizes it is wrong and stops. stop start stop start. aahh!


the water glitch is not only annoying but deadly,if you are in sneak when it hits. I was near a sleeping bear, walkingalong and not even in water, and the water mechanic kicked in.


Ihave tried Vsync crap. both with .ini and with driver. both on andoff vsync.


I have updated my nvidia driver like bgs suggestedto me.



this problem is intermittent but cansometimes really EFFFF up my game.


anyone else havethis?


anyone have help?



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I'm having the same issue. It started a couple of days ago. It doesn't do it all the time. Rarely does it happen when I'm in the open world. This seems to get overwhelming when I'm in an underground location.


In first person, it's a jerky motion as my character tries to holster weapons while a few color bars flash on the screen like I’m getting ready to go under water. If I try to move forward, it is an extremely slow jerky hoping motion. Switching to third person, shows my character having what looks like an epileptic seizure, and I still get the flashing color bars. Sometimes, if I try to walk forward, the character will go into a swimming motion in mid air.


I first noticed it while I was in the lowest level of Shroud Hearth Borrow. Now I'm in Fallowstone Cave and the game is unplayable. I can hardly move, and I'm unable to use any weapons or spells. The seizure like motion keeps me from doing anything productive.


I’ve tried multiple things, from reseting all graphics to basic settings and removing all tweaks, to removing all mods (which are only texture related, so I didn’t think they would be affecting this); but nothing is helping.


I thought I'd try some beta graphics drivers next, but I really don't think that's going to help.


If I come across something that works I’ll post it here.



My system specs are:


CORE 2 QUAD Q9450 2.66G



Creative X-fi Fatal1ty

Windows 7 64bit

Edited by strider2007
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I think I've solved my issue. The Beta drivers seem to have helped. I'm still in Fallowstone Cave and I'm not having any other the "trying to swim when I'm not in the water" blues. Don't know if you have an ATI or nVidia card, but if it's nVidia try the 295.51 Beta drivers. That's what worked for me.


Hope this help you out.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump this, but I'm having the same problem right now and can't find a fix anywhere. Drivers are up to date.


Oddly it only happens when I run the d3d9.dll from an ENB (I'm just using ENBoost). I tried using RCRN's d3d9.dll on its own and had no problems with the water.


It happens all of the time whenever I'm near any type of water especially when looking straight up/down, so I guess the screen positioning has a major issue with something.


EDIT: My fault, I completely forgot the setting for Vsync in enblocal.ini. I figured my Catalyst profile and RadeonPro would take care of Vsync, but obviously (duh for me) the ENB setting was overriding it. So changing it to true fixed my issue :)

Edited by JohnTheBomb
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  • 3 months later...

Ok, I got it. Card's config app has a section for adjusting Vsync. Still seems odd to me that would affect object placement in a 3D space and not just the drawing of the display, though. Whatever; it fixed the bouncy critters and water plane bugs.

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is now quite old but just wanted to mention that I was seeing this issue and I only really saw it in "moss mother cavern", in fact it was virtually unplayable and even hung the game twice. Which is odd considering I'd had about 28 hours worth of play up until that point. Anyway like others it was the ENBoost mod. I couldn't be arsed f***ing around with the settings so I just removed the files and it plays sweet as a nut now. In fact it actually seems better and the video card fan is not working as hard as it was before. just my 2 bits

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  • 6 months later...

ENBboost Vsync set to true (as mentioned re. the ini file) totally fixed the swimming-in-Moss-Mother-Cavern issue - is there some way to sticky that statement to the top for fast reference?

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  • 3 years later...
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