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Please help! Could someone write a step by step guide for finding out quest IDs/fact IDs

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I would like to be able to use them in debug console (addfact, removefact) to be able to complete certain quests. For example: I have started The Beast of White Orchard quest and I already have 1 objective failed (Examine the site of the Nilfgaardian soldiers' death using your witcher senses) because I explored the griffin nest site prior to starting the quest. I would like to avoid ruining the game for myself because of the situtations similar to this one.

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OK, actually I have been raping my brain for about 12 hours to get to this. I know some people need this answered as well so I will provide the solution I found.

You need to download http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/14/?

Follow the instructions to launch and extract the .bundle files located in gamepath\content\content(numbered from 0 to 12 in my case)\bundles

In the files that you have extracted you must navigate to quest folders.

Then, using Sarcen's mod tool you can look through w2phase files (open file) to find the strings you need! The one I needed was in quests\prologue\quest_files\q002_emhyr\phases\q002_finding_nest_before_quest.w2phase of the extracted C:\Games\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles\startup.bundle

The strings that had to be used after extensive testing: q002_found_nest_before_quest and q002_seen_griffin_nest

I used commands removefact(q002_found_nest_before_quest) and removefact(q002_seen_griffin_nest) in debug console before starting the Beast of White Orchard and it worked! Come here Mislav, you dirty boy!

Edited by Praegrandis
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