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Idea for Travelling Concert


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After listening to Malukah's rendition of "The Dragonborn Comes" over and over on Youtube, this thought came to me. I am no modder, but I thought maybe someone might like to tackle something like this.


I was thinking about having a travelling concert that moves around from town to town within Skyrim, with an NPC of Malukah singing her songs, however many songs might be available by the time this could be done. Since she doesn't have many Skyrim songs out now, it could also be done as a troupe with other people from Youtube that have done their own renditions of songs.


They would have a set schedule to be in certain towns on certains dates or days. There could also be flyers in towns that show the date they would be in that town. You could travel to a town at a certain time of day (I am thinking the concert would be outside the city gates, as some cities just don't really have the room for a concert venue inside the city gates) and see if there is a concert going on in that town. Some of the town patrons could be in a crowd around the stage. There might also be an NPC who collects donations at the concert.


You could even turn it into a quest. One to attend the concert series at least once in every single town they visit. You would have to make a donation to prove you were at the concert. Then once you make donations at each venue, you would get some sort of perk, like having the ability to select the music in your everyday travels.


I'm not sure what kind of permissions would have to be gotten from the Youtube artists for using their likenesses and music (although I am assuming Bethesda owns the music).


I just thought that would be an interesting thing to see in the world of Skyrim. And I would get to listen to the wonderful sounding Malukah in the game.


What do you think?

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