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Mod Ideas :)


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Hi everyone. I had a few ideas pop into my mind tonight while I was playing, and so I thought I'd post them and hope that some wonderful modder will take them on one day. :)


The first is that I'd like to have an Exit spell done. I've had a h**l of a time getting out of some places and would love to be able to just whip out my Exit spell and get out of there!


The other thing is that I'd like to be able to change the outfits of any NPCs. One example is Mjoll. I am so tired of looking at her axe! Even when she's eating or sleeping she's wearing it and it's ridiculous. lol


Oh and I think another one that would be great is new clothes entirely. I'm sure eventually someone will make new dresses and stuff and I'm SO looking forward to that. If I have to put on the same clothes day after day I'm going to go crazy. :)


The last one (for now!) is that I'm really eager for more quests. I still have some Miscellaneous quests to do, but I've done all of the larger ones for the different groups (Main, Thieves Guild, Mages, Dark Brotherhood, etc.) and now I'm just sort of wandering around going to the same places and talking to the same people, killing the same enemies in the dungeons, etc. Since I'm throwing it out there I might as well put down what I'd really love to have in a quest. I want to be a Necromancer, and I was hoping that we'd be able to do that in this game since we couldn't in Oblivion. But, I guess that's still maybe taboo, so I think if that's ever going to be a faction with quests, special robes, etc. I think the modders will have to be the ones to bring it to life. :)


Thanks for reading this and I look forward to seeing any and all mods that are going to be made this year!


Edited by autumnsky38
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