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Creating new BBB Stock clothing/armour replacers


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I wish you good luck in this endeavour. I had the same idea but am not proficient in the tools to do much of anything about it. I'm watching this topic so, by all means, if you succeed, please do publish the result.


There's a mod for Fallout: NV called Body By Race that does something very similar. I know the structure is a bit different but it could be worth looking at that and reverse engineering it a bit.

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Nice idea mpasteris, but it wouldn't work. File structure aside, Fallout is a modern-era game AFAIK, and so the clothing meshes would be for modern clothes. I'm only interested in the stock clothing sets for Oblivion (ie: "medieaval" style), and each piece of clothing is (normally) its own mesh. So, converting the Fallout meshes would actually be more work than just trying to edit the bust on the existing Oblivion meshes...
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Nephenee, I noticed that you have started a "taking requests" thread, and then while reading it I saw that you did that first conversion in only 3 hours. I've been struggling for days to edit a single mesh (lowerclass 01 shirt) to H-cup from E-cup. Would you be willing (or able) to video yourself editing a mesh and posting it to YouTube so that I can see what you're doing and learn from your methods? I don't want to ask you to convert every single stock armour/clothing top, that's just waaay to much work to ask of someone.


Also, your opinion please: I've gone through all the clothing replacers I downloaded, and none of them are as skimpy as I'd like. I'm looking for a kind of in-between point from the original clothing (rather dowdy-looking) and DMRA (perhaps just a teensy bit too much skin). Taking a look at the DMRA Skimpy stock clothing replacers, it seems that a lot of the removed cloth seems to just be vertices being deleted. Would you say that is correct, and I could do the same for my items? Just deleted vertices from the cloth until I have as much skin exposed as I'd like?


Thanks Nephenee

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Nephenee, I noticed that you have started a "taking requests" thread, and then while reading it I saw that you did that first conversion in only 3 hours. I've been struggling for days to edit a single mesh (lowerclass 01 shirt) to H-cup from E-cup. Would you be willing (or able) to video yourself editing a mesh and posting it to YouTube so that I can see what you're doing and learn from your methods? I don't want to ask you to convert every single stock armour/clothing top, that's just waaay to much work to ask of someone.


Also, your opinion please: I've gone through all the clothing replacers I downloaded, and none of them are as skimpy as I'd like. I'm looking for a kind of in-between point from the original clothing (rather dowdy-looking) and DMRA (perhaps just a teensy bit too much skin). Taking a look at the DMRA Skimpy stock clothing replacers, it seems that a lot of the removed cloth seems to just be vertices being deleted. Would you say that is correct, and I could do the same for my items? Just deleted vertices from the cloth until I have as much skin exposed as I'd like?


Thanks Nephenee


I wouldn't even begin to know how to make a video of me doing things, though I guess I could figure it out.


As for your other question, yeah, thats basically how it works. I would suggest however switching to Face selection instead of vertices selection if you are going to start deleting parts of the outfit, since its easier to control what gets deleted that way. Also turn on texturing in Blender so you can see how it will look with the texture applied.


Here's an example of something I'm working on for a fairly large conversion project, you can see how its pretty much entirely removal and stretching





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