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You don't have to be the dragonborn


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Ok, here we go. I always hated the fact that I had to work to avoid the main quest. I wanted to play a non-Dragonborn character but at the same time, the world needs a Dragonborn. So what's the obvious solution? Well, an NPC Dragonborn of course.

So here's what I'm going for:

1. An NPC Dragonborn who will go to different places and do different thinks depending on the player's level.

-Being at level 1 sends him to Riverwood (he'll originally spawn in outside the Helgen cave).

-Hitting level 5 sends him to Whiterun. Upon reaching Whiterun, he'll either do the bleak falls barrow quest if you haven't completed it or he'll do the dragon rising quest if you have completed the bleak falls barrow quest already.

-You can accompany him on most of his quests (basically makes you a follower of him) and he will let you come along with him for as long as you want.

-He'll continue on going to different places depending on your level in the game. He will eventually finish the main quest by level 80 or 100 (Maybe more if you think I should).

-I want him to have voiced dialogue which I might be able to pull off myself. I'm not a super great voice actor but I think I could pull off a Nordic male voice (He'll be a nordic warrior based off the trailer unless someone has a better idea). If someone out there is or knows a talented voice actor with good equipment (something I don't have) who would be willing to help that'd be awesome. I'm not even close to being ready for voice acting but if I stick with this than I will eventually.

-I want to try to figure out a system where you can be his follower as he goes around Skyrim killing dragons and the like. I think it would be a cool take to allow you to become an NPC's follower (maybe he could even give you random stuff to carry and tell you to "wait here" every once in awhile haha).


2. Make it so you don't accidentally start the main quest.

-Honestly, Bethesda did a bad job at forcing you into the main quest. In my opinion, an RPG's main quest should be a choice of the player. It shouldn't have to sit in your quest log the entire game because you wanted to role-play a non-Dragonborn character.

-This will allow you to do some quests that weren't possible before doing at least some of the main quest (like the Blades, and I think the Civil War)


3. This is the last thing on my list because it's at the bottom of the priorities list. I'm going to (try) to change any dialogue in the game that calls you the Dragonborn to something else.



Final Notes: I don't know how hard this will be or even if it's possible. I've never done any modding in the Creation Kit before so this could take a very long time to get done. Making the Dragonborn NPC should be fairly easy. Scripting him to go to different places and do different things depending on your level could be harder. He needs to use shouts in battle as well as melee as well as archery. Like I said I've never made a mod in the Creation Kit before, I've only looked through it to see some features. Any suggestions you guys have would be awesome because frankly, I don't have a clue about how to do this. I don't really understand scripting yet so some good tutorials on that would be awesome. If anyone wants to help with the mod or tell me where something won't be possible or whatever I'm open to constructive criticism and opinions. Tonight I intend to make an NPC and just drop him in my game. I'll use whatever tutorials I can find to help me through making this mod as well as any help you'd like to offer. Oh and one final thing, that is gonna probably discredit me a whole lot, I have never completed the main questline (although it's on my to-do list for the weekend).


Thanks for your time.

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