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Console commads


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Hi to all here:

One thing i never completely liked in Skyrim it is the fact that, me, "The" Dragonborn can die (and die quite often) and none of my companions follower ever die..... makes me feel like.... well, that, a milkdrinker.


So i understanty the value of no losing valuable companions, but if they "could" die that wil make me to think twice where i lead them as well as giving them a hand (if i have not died by then) in the heat or the fight


There is mod out there like "NPC Protection Tweaks" but tweak them between Immortal, Essential and Protected, that it is not what i am looking for


What Am i looking for? -- firts to know what it is the lingo word for a npc dieyable (can and would die) and if there is a console command for it. But a the same time i woould like to give them an extra buffer of health and stamina (just to be in the safe side), I know about setave etc


What it is the console command to set health or stamina for good? Setav works but next time i start to play i need to set all over, as well as setting them to be mortal


Hope someone can understand what i am babbling here :smile:


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