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Sofia follower mod- can't get her drunk now?


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Love Sofia follower mod,had her for a long time, recently married her (great dialogue added there-in,by the way...esp.when she reminds the priest of their prior encounter)...

...but I have one problem, and request help to solve.

Specifically, I can NO LONGER get Sofia drunk by giving her alcolhol.

1. As a background, a few days ago , after over 120 hours with her, I encountered this:

"I gave Sofia alcohol and now she's glitched out."

2. I solved that with the mods page instructions "stopquest jjsofiadrunk"

...but then I could no longer GET her drunk

3. So on my own I tried this : "startquest jjsofiadrunk"

...and she became drunk...but would not become sober.

4. So again I consoled this "stopquest jjsofiadrunk"

Which works...but now I canNOT get her drunk (the problem I started with)

Before I try anything else, can anyone tell me what you suggest I do?

I do not have old saves prior to this problem.

And I DO want to remain married to her, so would prefer not doing anything that changes that state

'Lil help? :-)

Thank you



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