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How to add HasSilencer keyword to a (not my) gun mod via FO4Edit?


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I just started using the R91 assault rifle, and it has a silenced barrel that I think looks very cool. Essentially has a silencer integrated into the barrel so you don't have to add the separate suppressor. However, you don't get the benefit of the sandman perk with the silenced barrel, like you do (understandably) by adding the suppressor modification to the other types of barrel. (There's a recently deceased Sanctuary settler who helped me test that out.)


As far as I can tell, it's all a matter of getting the following "property" record (taken from the suppressor object modification), which includes the "HasSilencer" keyword 001E05D6, included into the various properties of the silenced barrel object modification:




But I can't figure out how to do that. I've experimented with various things in FO4Edit, searching the net, looking at tutorials, but can't seem to find out how to do this (simple?) thing. If I can't do it, it's no big deal - I like the R91 with regular suppressor, it's just that I like the looks of the integrated barrel a bit better.


Any help would be appreciated, thanks. (FYI, my level of FO4Edit skill is noob - I've modified various simple things with various mods, but nothing too extensive.)

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You need to compare both records from both mods side by side (ctrl-click both records to select them, then right-click and choose "compare selected". Then left click on the blank line to the right of "Property" and drag it to the equivalent field on your mod other record. If there are no properties already on your mod that record, you might have to right-click on the blank line next to Property on your mod record and select "add" to add a blank line first, then do the drag and drop.

Edited by steve40
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Thanks much for the reply. Usually when I think I haven't explained myself, it's me that's missing the point but... there aren't 2 mods at play, the records are both within the same mod (R91 Assault Rifle). It's just that the R91's silencer-integrated barrel gun modification doesn't have the keyword HasSilencer property that the R91's suppressor gun modification has (and I'd like to add). But I guess the solution is that I have to select 2 different mods (the R91 and some other that has the "HasSilencer" keyword in a record) and go through your steps to add it to the R91 barrel modification? (Or just copy the entire R91 mod into a different esp to compare.) Can I do that with the Fallout.esm itself? I.E. compare that esm to the R91 esp? I ask that because I'm thinking that's one of the basic ways that mods are created using FO4 (and, if so, that would be a boon to my learning experience) but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.


Anyways, hope that wasn't too muddled. Thanks again.

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