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Removing Invisible Walls


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Hi, I have, what I believe to be, a simple request. I'd like a mod that removes or disables the invisible walls that can be found at ledges in various locations around Skyrim and it's dungeons. Note that I'm not talking about the borders that surrounds Skyrim and keeps the player from entering other regions of Tamriel, but more like the ones that can be found, for example, inside Azura's Star (during the Black Star quest).


Basically I want to be able jump off ledges if I feel like it and don't need a rail to guide me.


I've tried searching the Skyrim Nexus and Googling but found no trace of such a mod, so if it already exists, I'm sorry for wasting a post! :turned:


Thanks for reading.

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If you are using a PC, you can use console commands. The particular one that will help you get out of there is to press tilde ~ it is right next to 1 on most keyboards (brings up console command window), and type in TCL. This gets rid of collision, which means you can walk through anything. But be careful to keep your character above the ground after you are done. To turn collision off, type "TCL off".

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