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Mod recommendations please


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I am starting to play new vegas. I would like to know what mods you all recommend that will:


1) Make the game look prettier, new textures and messy texture clean up, but not kill performance.


2) Add guns and armor that look great but dont make the game easier (i will be playing on hardest difficulty and hard core mode)


3) Make the sky more beautiful and make the general atmosphere look and feel more immersive.


4) Add quality modder made quests


5) Add more sexy womens!!!


6) Add more monsters, but nothing rediculous or immersion breaking.


7) Fix bugs / broken quests / broken animations / crashes / etc..


8) Add quality followers/companions.


The main thing is, I tried to play through New Vegas twice before, only to quit because it got too easy and i lost the immersion feeling. I'd like it to look great and be challenging but i dont want a mod that makes it so difficult that when I am low levels some random modded monster comes out of nowhere and kills me in one hit. I dont mind these types of monsters, i just want to make sure all of these types of things are only happen in area and level appropriate situations - I like the fear that a death claw could be around the corner or in a cave, I just dont want some kind of scripted thing where some super death claw just spawns randomly behind me.


Id really like the oppinions of seasoned players and modders! Thanks for your time!



Edit: oh! and id like to add - I want some mods that add challenge but i do not want anything that will spawn a super monster in a town where it will start killing the npcs!

Edited by Sasoritar
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Here is a quick list of some of the best mods I've tried and tested and still use. Dropped from the list many armor and texture mods which are matter of opinion if they help immersion or not. Many of omitted and the ones still on the list have made the game more enjoyable for me. Still have many mods downloaded that I havent tested yet. Some of the mods in this list makes the game bit easier in certain aspects, like automatic assault rifles and such. But I think they make game more immersive and stuff.

For immersion fellout and electro city are the must have mods for me. fellout makes nights really dark and electro city gives some much needed light here and there during those dark nights :) Also Imps timescale adjuster is nice cause those dark nights are now longer. Scary even. :P


I've tweaked most of the mods more for my liking and made the game that way harder. For instance made some npc harder to kill like ghouls. Only headshots kills them fast.

Well... hope the list helps.


Some of these are only file names cause i dont remember all the "official" modnames....


ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways


Depth of View PE

New Vegas Error Corrections

OFT Base


NPC Project - 188 Trading Post

NPC Project - Aerotech Office Park

NPC Project - Freeside




PMT - Explosive Robots

PMT - Gravity Kills

PMT - Tougher Vehicles

No Neos

evil karma tweak

Imp's Timescale Adjuster

Dynamic and Rebalanced Karma v1.0

Realistic Better Vanilla FoodChemsDrinks

Realistic Wildlife

Full-Auto Svc-Rifle and Mks-Carbine - v2

PreNerf Sniper Edit

NoQuest Items

PMT - Slower Reloading No Visible Perk

Realistic death

realistic headshots

Legionary Assassin Fix

PipBoy Lightx2

Oven Cooking

Realistic Weight Misc Items

Stimpak Gives Syringe


less stimpaks

Gun Runners Actually Run Guns

Reactive People - Ultimatum

Plausible Starting Outfit

NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore)

Camon AKS 47 Black Hidden Valley

New Vegas Bounties

Novac Home Exp

Portable Bedroll

Gun Runners Actually Run Guns

Gun Runners Armory - Logical and Lore Friendly

Edited by SHazardous
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