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Leveling Revamped


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HI! i had this idea when i saw Liberta's uncapped perks and Elys Uncapper, the idea is basically this:


the removal of levels in the usual sense, instead you gain perks specific to the relevant skill you just got a point in.

ex. when you have raised your one handed skill by "x" skill points you gain a perk point to be used in the one handed skill tree. and when you have leveled "x" perk points you are able to select whether you want an increase in stam,hp or magicka by "x" amount. the point of this is to avoid monstrous levels, for as i said i though of this as a compliment to the to mods mentioned above.

the precise values would have to be something reasonable ofc.

i also think this would add some "realism" to the leveling procedure as well as give more immersion since, you no longer talk about levels but skills. im no modder myself, not until the creation kit gets here at least, then i will probably be gone from the world until I've learned to use it to my intents.


tell me what you think. would this be do able, or is this just another trollish request.





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I like this... the leveling system, as it is ....needs work, although simple, I think needs to be improved, skyrim makers have got to do their research more into gamers habits
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@iondragonx precisely i think its a bit idiotic that you can level something you have never used, you might have to make some catecories meaning you can choose which of the magic schools to spend your point in, but it seems stupid you can learn magic by wearing heavy armor.


i think it will be my first mod to try and make this. once the CK hits the streets. allthou if you feel its a good idea your more than welcome to use the idea yourself

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