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Difficulties with LOD generation.

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Hello, I am trying to get LOD to work for my Fallout 4 mod. So far I managed to figure out to get terrain lod and textures to show up. For object lod I use FO4 Edit. But there are still two problems I can not figure out:


1. After loading into my worldspace, distant objects still pop in, but the .BTO files are in place. And I am playing on ULTRA settings.

2. I can not get Tree lod to work at all. Used the Tree Flats option in the CK, which creates a 1kb LST file in a folder, but there are no LOD trees.

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FO4Edit doesn't support LOD generation for FO4 yet.

You should use CK, Objects LOD works the same as in Skyrim (unpacking meshes and textures into Source folder, converting to tga, generating, converting atlas back to dds, etc.) so check it's guides.

FO4 doesn't use Trees LOD system at all.

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A few months back the object lod generation appeared to crash the CK every time for me. Is that fixed?

Only you can tell if that's been fixed.


They don't use Tree LOD system anymore because trees now are STATIC objects and you should generate them as Object LOD.

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Thanks. Most of the LOD generation appears to work, except for this:

Wrapping: A vertex in geom 'ShackBridge01_LOD_0:0' has a texture coordinate well outside of the (0,1) range. Wrapping is NOT supported in LOD.

I take it this is because of a wrong setting when converting from DDS to TGA? Not really sure what to do about this.

Edited by Attackpony
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All LOD textures are placed on a single atlas texture during generation that's why they can't be tiled/wrapped (have UV values less than 0 or greater than 1). Looks like some vanilla LOD meshes have tiling textures so they will look a bit distorted after LOD generation. If tiling is minimal, you probably won't notice that.

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