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Simple and Not so simple request


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Here are some Ideas I would be working on If I was a modder. Even if it might need the mod kit, I'm giving them ideas so modders can give the ideas some thought.


*Camera Shutter Speed mod.


I do feel this would help make the game less "game". When I move the camera with my mouse I feel nothing cinematic.

It would feel way better to half a motion blur related to the camera movement. I don't know what game I could compare the

only one popping in my mind is the racing simulators when you control the head's driver to look right or left.

If someone makes it happen, please be gentle on the blur not to make it too blurry. :)


**Werewolf should be in everyway a werewolf.

One thing missing to this transformation would be to jump higher !

It is a mythical beast and it should be as terrifying as the myth. So I though It could go this way, if you hold the

spacebar, the character jumps way higher since it has the legs for it in the werewolf form. It could also help in human

form but just not that much.


***Hands In first person view.

I don't need to say way, we just don't hold up are hands like this naturally even in fighting mode, one hand should be more

in front and the other maybe closer to the face as if the character would be ready to do a straight right in the face of someone.


****Dye Equipement

Have some bugs for some colors or plants and make it so you can control the saturation at least. I don't want to look like a toy.


*****Survivor Mode

I thought no man could walk so long in the cold like that without having some huge bear skin/fur over the worn equipment to

keep the body heated. During night and snow storms, if you don't dress up you would take some damage and you'd need

to learn how to start fires from woods and some friction with rocks. When I play the game, I kind of let go the idea of going

swimming since it's obvious someone would just freeze to death...yes I know there is some hot waters, i'm not speaking about

those. Daylight is to be safer, warmer. those with lycantrophy could be less harmed since they are werewolves.


GUess that's it for now.

Thanks for reading

Edited by FRVME
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