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companion quest "striking the heart" trouble?


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I'm having trouble with a companion quest "striking the heart" I'm to go to Valthiem towers and get rid of the silverhand leader.

I can go to the quest marker....and it ends up on the bank by the river, but nobody is there?


Do I have to go underground? or is this quest broken ?..or what?


Thanks for any help you can give.

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Thanks for your reply.....Yes, I cleared both towers...and keep going back thinking of the time element.

wonder if it has to be a full moon since it deals with werewolves?


I do have a mod that in 72 hours it equals a month....accelerates time.

As I'm getting more powerful in the game and it seems like nobody respawns anymore?


anyway.....the quest marker lands up in the river by the bank,

I went to everyplace near there thinking a cave is nearby?

thinking the place is a cave room underground?


anyway...thanks for trying to help


Still open to new ideas of anybody has an inkling of what is going on?


Might have to reload an old save, but hate to do that, cause I advanced a lot since then.


Thanks in advance to anyone for helping me with this topic

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