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PC shutsdown while playing skyrim


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Clogged air channels will definitely cause overheating. 80C at idle is way too high. If you don't clean them, and insist on using the computer, a fried Graphics card may short out and do more damage to your motherboard. So bite the bullet and learn to clean the air channels now, or pay for a new computer in a couple of weeks.


While you are in there, be sure to clean the dust from the heatsinks around the CPU, clean the killer dustbunnies out of any air channels on anything else, clean the crud out of all fans and make sure the fans are actually running.


Here is a basic tutorial on cleaning a computer


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the rest of my system is clean, i just can't get access to the front vents, there's a metal grate that i can't remove covering the front of the case, and the hardware mounting is blocking access from the rear. i've used an entire can of compressed air to try and clean the vents, only got off about 10% of that dust. and i'm not really using this pc atm, and i'm going slightly bonkers. i've survived by watching netflix and playing on my ps2 & 3, it's just not the same.


---edit typo---

Edited by Invisible Man
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