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ENBoost question


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Hey there - This isn't really a technical question but I wasn't sure where else to ask. My game informed me a new version of ENBoost was available, so I updated. Everything is working right. I know adjustments I make in the files are taking effect in game. I'm just not getting any ENBoost message at the start up now. It used to appear in the upper left and now, well, nothing.

Any clue would be appreciated. Thanks.

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What version of FO4 ENB did you update to? The most recent version is 0.311 from back in January, I think. If you're not getting the startup message, are you sure it's even loading? I know you said adjustments you make to the files show up in game, but have you tired opening the ENB menu or the FPS counter from in game? If you can't open the menu or get the FPS counter to work, that will tell you it's not loading, hence not getting the startup message.


If you can confirm it is loading, you might take a look at the FO4 forums on the ENB site...bound to be answers there if others have this issue.

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