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Fo4Edit conflict i don't understand


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Hi people, i'm just finishing modding my game after like 15 hours of mod research and ect on Nexus and now this very last conflict in Fo4Edit is bothering i don't know how to fix it or whats going on with it, any help appreciated thank you very much.


The conflict appears to be between Eli's Armour and Mercenary Pack but i don't have enough Fo4Edit knowhow to understand whats going on.



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You have conflicting definitions for an armor leveled list. I don't know what exactly is below the fold there, but given the item count of 2 on Mercenary.esp, it looks like that mod basically eliminates the various wastelander clothing sets and (I'm guessing) replaces it with a single two-piece set (gloves and coat, etc.). That "calculate for levels" flag means to limit the list usage to items that are marked at the player's XP level or lower. With only two items in that list, I would expect that flag to be turned off as it is.


It looks to me like you merged it fine. 42 items in the first plugin, 2 in the second, 44 in the final. As long as those two armor items aren't scripted in some goofy way that breaks the game with ANY other wastelander clothing installed, you shouldn't be facing any sort of game breaking conflict here.

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