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Random CTDs Please Help


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Hey guys I'm completely new to the forum so if i'm doing anything wrong let me know...

Anyway I'm having issues with random CTDs while playing. The most recent one was entering the Blue Palace in Solitude, just CTD when I activated the door. It's happened a few times today and yesterday, sometimes when I'm not even entering a loading screen, I've gone through and checked for orphan scripts and stuff with the save tool (idk if that would even help). And I use LOOT after every mod I install. (With a few tweaks here and there because PerMa is a pain.) I wanna say the problem is Perkus Maximus just because that's been known to give me problems before but to be honest I have no idea how to check my papyrus logs for stuff like that, can I get some help?


Here's my Papyrus log:


And here's my load order:



And I have a Lenovo Y50 with a Geforce GTX 860m graphics card with 4gb of vram (idk if this is even relevant but like I said I'm brand spanking new here.)


Update: I tried again and was only able to play a few minutes (into the Blue Palace, back out again and entering the Winking Skeever) before I CTD'd again. The Papyrus log looks pretty similar to the last one but I still have no clue how to parse through all that. Here's the latest one:


Edited by ChrisWale
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