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Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?


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So I've run across a very odd thing here, and for awhile I was pulling hair over it as I couldn't find the leading cause, but after experimenting with a settlement with unique npc's, After getting the workshop, the AI Packages setup on the Unique npc are not longer executed.


I had several packages setup that use keywords as well as package primatives for where the npc is to go and interact during certain times of the day. All worked good prior to claiming the workshop, however after claiming the workshop, any npc that was linked properly to the workshop stopped excuting the AI Packages.


At first I thought it was the conditional settings for the packages, but the more I tested today the conclusion came to be directly related to aquiring the workshop.


Any way to fix this? I have a unique npc setup as a shop keeper, they can't be moved to a new location and their shop is a fixed shop that can't be removed from the cell, but sense the packages stop functioning once the workshop is aquired the shop keeper no longer goes about doing their job inside the shop.


Been searching for a solution but haven't found any as of yet.

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I've only done something similar to this in a settlement once. As it was my first NPC and was kept very simple with no workshop interaction and my first lame attempts at AI packages, please take anything I say with a grain of chainsaw. In what way is your NPC connected to the workshop? Keywords? By "any npc that was linked properly to the workshop stopped excuting the AI Packages" do you mean just your unique NPCs or all your settlers in general? It sounds like there is some connection to the workshop script based on workshop ownership that is overriding/conflicting with the NPC's packages that you've created. What happens if you remove the ties to the workshop?


What about the vendor faction applied to your shopkeeper? I made a custom faction for my vendor. If you're using a vanilla workshop vendor faction that might be something to look at.

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So I've run across a very odd thing here, and for awhile I was pulling hair over it as I couldn't find the leading cause, but after experimenting with a settlement with unique npc's, After getting the workshop, the AI Packages setup on the Unique npc are not longer executed.


I had several packages setup that use keywords as well as package primatives for where the npc is to go and interact during certain times of the day. All worked good prior to claiming the workshop, however after claiming the workshop, any npc that was linked properly to the workshop stopped excuting the AI Packages.


At first I thought it was the conditional settings for the packages, but the more I tested today the conclusion came to be directly related to aquiring the workshop.


Any way to fix this? I have a unique npc setup as a shop keeper, they can't be moved to a new location and their shop is a fixed shop that can't be removed from the cell, but sense the packages stop functioning once the workshop is aquired the shop keeper no longer goes about doing their job inside the shop.


Been searching for a solution but haven't found any as of yet.


Any settler with custom packages seem to be overridden that are properly linked to the workshop items. i.e. location refs, factions, linked refs.



Add your npc to faction called "WorkshopNoPackages". Might want/need to play with settings in "workshopnpcscript" that is attached to your actor.


ah ha! i'll give that a go :smile: thx vkz89q, hopefully that resolves the issue.


Edit in: This seems to of done the trick to stop their default packages from being overridden, thanks :) will have to do some more testing with the AI for the others in the area to make sure they will still function properly if moved what not.


Do you know if this effect the Radiant Kidnapping quests / Minutemen quests ? I have set this particular settlement up with two possible methods of acquiring it, a) kill everyone in the cell, or b) rescue one of the residents from kidnappers, its also setup as a possible minuteman acquire spot.

Edited by caleb68
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I gotta say I have no idea who can get kidnapped and who not.. like can companions get kidnapped? I hope not, lol.


Quest named MinRecruit02 is kidnapping quest, but I'm not sure how it chooses the kidnapped actor. Looking at the quest just confuses me.


Edit. I think settler that can be kidnapped needs to be in "BoundCaptiveFaction" but I'm just guessing here.

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okay the faction "WorkshopNoPackages" works fine for NPC's you can't move but npc's you can move they never arrive at their destination reguardless where you send them, so that resolved one issue but caused another.


Edit in: From what i've seen, the kidnapping victim is usually someone with a 'boss' location reference, and the person who asks for your help is usually the same, so as long as there are two with the location ref 'boss' you can determine who might get kidnapped. Alternately, you can do it the same as Abernathy farm so that a specific npc will always be kidnapped.

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Edit. I think settler that can be kidnapped needs to be in "BoundCaptiveFaction" but I'm just guessing here.


my shop keeper has been kidnapped several times, only has the loc ref i mentioned, and basic workshop factions. they do have the REFarmerFaction however.

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looking through all the 'workshop' packages, there seem to be quite a few that don't get executed if the workshopnopackages keyword is added.


I did take and change the default sandbox to the workshopdefaultsandbox, going to test and see what does / doesn't work with them after doing that, that 'should' at least get them to their new home.

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Yeah, makes sense. About the package, have you tried "workshopnpcscript" on your actor and play with the properties? What happens if you make:

bCommandable == false

bAllowCarawan == false

bAllowMove == true

bIsWorker == maybe true?


Another thing you can try is make a high priority quest that has your npc as alias, and that alias has package.. but I'm not sure if it's gonna override package added by script(?), propably not but worth a try.


Edit. Maybe there is condition function for your package where you can check if your npc is in current assigned workshop area/location? So it would turn off if you assign him to another one and then turn on when he reaches destination.

Edited by vkz89q
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on the workshopnpcscript:


bCommandable = True - can assign to jobs, move around the settlement, false no command interaction.

bAllowCaravan = True - can be assigned to a caravan, False - can not

bAllowMove = True - can move them to a different settlement, False - they can not be moved from the settlement they are located at.

bIsWorker = True - can be assigned to jobs, False - can not be assigned.


The multiresource - if you set it to true then the drop down you can select a secondary job for them (food, guard, etc) when they arrive at the settlement, if the secondary job that is assigned is available, they will be assigned to it right away. This is what makes some farmers automatically start farming when they arrive at the settlement - least this has been my experience with it.




After looking through things, I added the following packages to the characters themselves below their existing ones, the ones starting with 000 are modified and have the 'workshopnopackage' faction check removed from them, this is the order they are added from top to bottom:












Now with the packages in that order, and added, so far everything that I've done with them is functioning normally (assigning work, sleep) and they seem to sandbox around the location just fine as well just like normal settlers. There were two other packages that were added inbetween all that but I left them out, they were the WorkshopSettlerIntroStayNearPlayer, and WorkshopSettlerIntroForceGreet. Both these packages are quest tied even though they are added to the settler intitially, but sense I'm really not concerned about them walking up to the player for that 'Hi how are you, im new around here, anything i can do to help out' conversation thats useless and pointless, I didn't see the harm to leave them out.


The NPC's respond to alarms as well, both siren and bell. Sat there for about 15 minutes watching them walk around the settlement area (even though it was void of everything but the basic needs) and they seem to act like normal settlers. Didn't test caravaning them but the caravan packages don't have the check for the workshopnopackages flag.


Far as their default packages I had on them already, they do checks to see if the npc is in the location for the package or not, if not it won't execute, seems a standard from what I got looking at the different packages. Their default packages (non-workshop ones) are above all the workshop packages.


Far as quests - I tend to avoid using quests, expecially quest aliases as much as possible - all it takes is one quest alias to break and the quest quits functioning. So If I can do something without the need of quests, I'll go that route first, then if all else fails, do the quest. Just as a example - my corpse cleaner mod - to get it to add the books to the proper merchants, I had to make a independent quest for each merchant, inntially I had them all in the same quest, but one dead merchant and no one got the books added. having it fire off a isdead check didn't work either as many of them will be removed from the game after they have been laying around for awhile.




Appreciate the help in pointing me to the workshopnopackages faction vkz89q, looks like they are going to be working just fine. Nice thing is too that if I send them back to their default location, they will start doing the packages they had prior to being moved as they aren't being overridden by the workshop packages now. You got me looking at the right things to make it work :)

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