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Ba2 texture file extraction failed on specific .dds file


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(This is originally a PM i've sent to the author of BAE recently but i edit it for a forum topic)


So i try to extract some of the popular weapon mod texture in order to do some data merging to a single compressed file but at the process i keep encountering a same issue. Every time i try to extract a certain texture from a weapon mod, the process always stuck in the middle of extracting.


When i try to identified what cause it, it caused by every file which has"_D.dds" names on it (e.g Grips_D.dds, Magazines_d.dds, etc) ) files inside the texture folder. This is not commonly happen as there are many mod which has packed into ba2 files that i could extract it without having any problem but so far i've only found 2 mod which i cannot unpack it, and both have same the causing location, which is the texture files.


I've try using Archive2 and BAE but nothing solve my issue. Both BAE version 0.09 and 0.10 didn't allow me to extract the _D.dds files (extraction progress frozen / no drag n drop happened) while Archive2 and BAE version 0.04 completely extract the files but every single of the file got corrupted (has file size correct but empty when opened) and off course will lead to CTD if i test it in-game.


Below is the mods which has ba2 files that i cannot extract it properly so far:


Hunting Shotgun by Hitman47101 and DeadPool2099



FAMAS by ajhakra and nolifepothead



Is this has something to do with file protection made by the mod author?, or its just some software issue that need to be adress?. Please send me the link if this issue has been discussed and solved in other topic.


And btw sorry for the potato grammar, cheers.

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Apparently nope, if i normally install it, no CTD or broken texture to be found. THe author of BAE said that it may caused by different diffuse format but as i asking it to one of the author like ajakhra, he said that he using the standard diffuse for the weapon texture.

Edited by warheadz
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  • 10 months later...

I've apparently encountered the same problem, did you manage to fix it? Or does anyone know how to fix it?

Those failing _d textures are of DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB format while BAE (and archive2 too?) supports only DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM

Do they work fine in the game? This is strange that the game supports this format but official archiving tool does not.

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