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Loadout assistance


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I'm needing some serious assistance with my loadout and figuring out what mods are stepping on each other.


I'm using the Nexus Mod Manager 0.14.1 to load my mods. Then I use BOSS to sort it. Then I load NMM again to verify the changes and launch the game using the Launch NVSE option. At which point it crashes right after the Havok engine splash screen


Here's what my screen looks like. (Let me add that I do appreciate any assistance. Awesome site.)


If the image doesn't show, check out:

nmmloadout.jpg at imageshack



Edited by Machtyn
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Crashes before the main menu appear are almost always caused by a plugin being loaded without one of its masters loaded before it.


Run FNVEdit with your regular load order and see if it catches a missing master while loading.


Thank you! FNVEdit is really good. Gives me a way to figure out where stuff is breaking and what I need.


I've got UHNV-Bobblehunt.esp on my list, but FNVEdit tells me the esp file is missing. I'm not sure why it states that as I can see the file in my Data folder. Disabling that item in my loadout allows FNVEdit to continue checking the other mods. I can live without it (I think), any ideas?



Also, I've got the MoMod.esm file in the list, along with a bunch of MM-xxx.esp files. It seems FNVEdit does not like, because it can't find, LonesomeRoad.esm, OldWordBlues.esm, HonestHearts.esm...


This looks like added mods from when I bought the game. Another site suggestion to do a Steam -> Properties -> Verify Integrity. I put this here for others in case they are looking.


Thanks very much for the assistance.

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Okay, I've paired down my list. From what I can tell using BOSS and FNVEdit, I don't have anything missing and everything seems to be in order. But the game still crashes just after the Havok splash screen.

Here's the image: http://imgur.com/yYaAV


Here is the output from BOSS:

Your masterlist has been updated to revision 3666 (Jan 1, 2012).
Recognised plugins:       22 | Warning messages:             0
Unrecognised plugins:      2 | Error messages:               0
Ghosted plugins:           0 | Total number of messages:    12
Total number of plugins:  24		

Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins.

−Unrecognised Plugins

Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.

   Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties.esp
   Holster Gear.esp


Even after removing the Cowboy Perk and the Holster Gear mods (being the unrecognized mods), the game still crashes.


Any assistance or thoughts? Should I nuke the mods from my data folder, have Steam validate anything missing and then reload the mods using NMM and order using BOSS?

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Final edit... here is what I did. Once I found out I couldn't get it to run after I unloaded all mods these are the steps I took:


1. Using NMM Deactivated all mods (except FalloutNV.esm)

2. Went to the Data folder and discovered there were some extra files that didn't get cleaned up. I think they were related to UHNV mod.

3. Ran FNV and made sure it loaded properly

4. Followed the process below

4a. Using NMM, load one desired mod

4b. Close NMM, Run BOSS, Start NMM

4c. Start NVSE and verify game loads without crashing

4d. If it crashes, deactivate mod and either try to figure out why or go back to 4a. and try a different mod.


I discovered that UHNV (Underground Hideout) was giving me issues. Sure enough, I had 4.3, not 4.4 - which doesn't have an obvious download or download with manager button on the newvegas.nexusmods.com site.


Thanks again, luthienanarion, you got kudos.

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