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Annoying and odd glitch...


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Alright so, I'm a compulsive console user who decided to make a 100% legitimate character. Most people like me will know about how well that's gone, but meh... Not the point. During the opening portion of the game, I felt the random urge to test something involving Dead Thrall and sneaking; adding the spell and hitting TGM in the console. I removed the spell and toggled TGM back off after I was done goofing around, but now I've noticed something quite odd happening to me whenever I go near an NPC...


NPCs now believe I'm always about to throw a spell at their face. "That spell looks dangerous... Keep your distance!" Mr.Legit is just getting absolutely no love. I tried getting the spell back and making a new thrall, then killing it. Tried summoning other minions that I got through more legitimate means. Tried a bunch of stuff! And yet still the children yell at me, "Stay away from me!"


I've got no idea what's going on and haven't heard of anyone with a similar issue. Can anyone take a moment to try and lend me a hand please?

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