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20 Mod Ideas


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Here's for your number 20:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1950 - Color Map

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2634 - Neat Terrain Map

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2537 - Color Map Icons



http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16055 - High Resolution Map

(!!Note!!! Only use this map is you are playing at 1152x864 or higher resolution!!)



Also, most of those things like instant kill and invincible armor you can easily do by yourself in the construction set by editing the item settings. example : weapon damage set it to a really high number, or armor set its defense to a high number. Most people don't like total "obliteration" cheat mods that's why they aren't usually found.

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I have seen every one of these with the exceptions of #1, #17 and #19.

#1 - Why would you want a town that disappears? There is one where all of the people disappear. It's part of vanilla Oblivion.

#17 - Horses in Oblivion gates - they don't last long & how are you going to get them to the sigil stone room in the tower?

#19 - There is a bank mod. But no voice acting in it as far as I know.


As far as better cities - check out Better cities of Banana Split


#3 - See the mods Kvatch Rebuilt or Kvatch Aftermath


#16 - Big estates - Try Glenvar Castle, Verona House Bloodlines or a half dozen others.


#20 - There are at least 3 I know of.


Try the search function I plugged in one word 'estate' and got 16 returns. 4 of which seem to match your criteria.

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