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Very Low Quality Mods

David Brasher

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I think the whole opening post can be answered with "because they do this for fun" :P


Everyone keeps saying bugs NEED fixing we DESERVE better these STANDARDS are slipping... but truely, if you have a bug riddled mod it's probably because the guy was doing this for fun, and has a busy life outside of modding :) He doesnt need to do anything... If the mod is broken and It could have been great, than thats a big shame, but who are we to complain, really? :P

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but who are we to complain, really? :P


The people who's games may be broken by said buggy mod?


What Brasher is getting at isn't that mods need to be "perfect", but there needs to be a sort of minimum standard of documentation, support and just general effort put into released mods.


If you make a mod that is horribly buggy, but works for what you need it to do, great, but you probably shouldn't release it unless you make it very clear to others what its problems are.

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Never had my game broken by a mod :P You can sniff them out pretty quick I find, and then you just stay careful with your saves... only time I ever broke a game was badly installing things, but I wouldn't be so silly as to say that's the only way to do it :P


I think people should be able to stick up what they want, really. Because it's pretty hard to objectively messaure "horribly buggy" or put any kind of cap on it. Often the best mods are " a little buggy", so you can just make a no bugs rule... I think it's a very complicated thing and it's better to let some things slide than to "crush a walnut with a crane". I'd agree with your idea- warning people about the problems is always polite, or having a kind of community flag feature. (after all, if a modder is sloppy enough to make a sloppy mod, they aren't likely to be careful about it's delivery and documentation :P)

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